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kid Class Descriptions

Lovebug Program

Our Lovebug Program provides parents and children with a warm and friendly environment to begin moving to music. Created for kids ages 18 months through 5 years, these classes introduce students to the joy of dance through play and instruction.

Lovebug tots (18 Months - 3 Years)

This class is designed for dancers ages 18 months to 2 1/2 years old. Lovebug Tots 1 is a 30 minute class and is a "grown up and me" class designed for our youngest dancers to connect with their caregivers and explore movement through imagination and a basic introduction to dance!

Lovebugs Ages 3-5y

Lovebug Ballet introduces young dancers to the basics of the ballet technique incorporating games, imagination, and fun imagery! This is a great class for young dancers to discover their joy of movement and learn the basics of ballet.

Lovebug ballet

This class will focus on the introduction of ballet technique in a positive and engaging environment using imagery to explore a young dancer's imagination. Through sing and dance along music and games, your young dancer will gain confidence and learn how to express themselves through movement.

Lovebug combo

This class combines Ballet, Tap, and Jazz all in 1 fun and fast paced class keeping your dancer moving, smiling, and learning throughout the entire class! This class is a great introduction to different styles of dance! 

Lovebug hip-hop

Lovebug Hip Hop introduces young dancers to the basics of Hip-Hop in a high energy, exciting, and fun class!

mini program

Mini classes are designated for dancers ages 5-7 years old and no previous dance experience is required. These classes are designed to introduce dancers to different styles of dance and will help your dancer develop skills such as balance, coordination, and rhythm while gaining confidence and expressing themselves through movement. This class builds on our Lovebug program and starts to introduce more technique throughout the class while still using games and your dancers imagination!

mini ACRO

Mini Acro is a class designated for dancers ages 5-7 who are interested in developing skills in acrobatic arts through dance. This class will place an emphasis on proper technique through stretching and strengthening exercises that will provide the dancers with tools to successfully learn acrobatic basics. This class will introduce tricks such as forward rolls, backward rolls, bridges, handstands, cartwheels, and other dance specific acrobatic tricks. Mini Acro will also begin to introduce dancers with tools to seamlessly transition these tricks with dance technique. All acro classes are taught by a certified instructor through the Acrobatic Arts teaching program.

mini Ballet

Mini Ballet introduces young dancers to the basics of ballet and will begin to introduce more technique in a fun and exciting way! This is a class that is a great introduction to Ballet with increasing class structure and introduction to the Ballet technique.

mini Ballet/hip-hop

Mini Ballet/Hip Hop is divided between instruction in Ballet and Hip Hop. Students are taught the basic ballet positions and will be introduced to the fundamentals of ballet vocabulary and will be introduced to the fundamentals of Hip Hop dance through class work that includes floor exercises, isolation of body parts, floor work and movement across the floor. Dancers will learn both Ballet and Hip Hop in this fun and high energy class!

mini ballet/jazz

Mini Ballet/Jazz is divided between instruction in Ballet and Jazz. Students are taught the basic ballet positions and will be introduced to the fundamentals of ballet vocabulary and will be introduced to the fundamentals of Jazz dance through class work that includes floor exercises, isolation of body parts, and movement across the floor.

mini combo

This class combines Ballet, Tap, and Jazz all in 1 class to introduce your young dancer to different styles of dance! This class builds upon the fundamentals learned in the Lovebug class and keeps the class moving in a fun and exciting way! This is a wonderful opportunity to have your dancer try out different styles of dance all in 1 class! 

mini HIP-HOP

Mini Hip Hop will introduce dancers to the basics of Hip Hop and include more challenging movements in this high energy class! This class will include a warm up, stretch, across the floor, mat work, and a combo with games and activities in between.


This class combines the styles of Jazz and Hip Hop dance to introduce your young dancer to these two different styles of dance. Dancers will learn the basics of Hip Hop Dance through a warm up and across the floor and will transition into learning Jazz as well with Jazz specific exercises and across the floor. Emphasis will be placed on technique and individual style and dancers will learn choreography in both styles and will have a ton of fun in this upbeat class! 


level 1

Level 1 classes are beginner classes that are recommended for dancers ages 7 to 9 years old who have little to no knowledge of dance. These classes are designed to introduce each dance style while building technique and confidence in the chosen style of dance. Level 1 classes provide dancers with an encouraging environment for growth and development. This level consists of more structured classes than our Lovebug and Mini programs and introduce techniques and terminology to prepare your dancer for future levels.

ballet 1

Students will be introduced to the basic ballet positions as they begin to develop the proper alignment of the body necessary for classical ballet. Focus will be on beginning the development of a ballet vocabulary through barre exercises and moving into center work and across the floor. Attention will be paid to musicality while introducing the concepts of ballet including rotation, coordination, port de bras, as well as introducing turns and jumps both stationary and moving through space.

contemporary 1

Contemporary 1 introduces the style of contemporary dance and provides space to allow dancers to discover their personal movement quality while learning the basics of contemporary technique. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary fundamentals through a warm up that includes a stretch and introduction of moving the body through space. Contemporary technique will be introduced with exercises in the center and moving across the floor that includes transitional steps, jumps, turns, and floor work. Then a culminating combination will be taught to introduce the dancers to picking up choreography and finding their own individual style and movement quality through the choreography. Concepts such as improvisation and emoting through movement will also be explored in this fun class!


Hip-Hop 1 encourages individual style while focusing on the development of rhythm and coordination. A wide range of hip-hop styles are taught with an emphasis placed on learning the history of Hip-Hop dance. Students will be taught a variety of basic steps and moves that are the foundation of a hip-hop vocabulary with a focus on floor work, footwork, grooves, individual style, and performance. 


Jazz 1 is a high energy class that will introduce dancers to the basics of jazz dance through class work that includes a warm up with an emphasis on stretching, strengthening, and isolations. This class will also include a focus on rhythm and coordination as students begin to develop a beginner jazz dance vocabulary including basic turns, jumps, and progressions. Combinations at the end of each class will be taught to develop style and self expression.


Modern 1 introduces various styles of Modern Dance styles such as Horton, Graham, Release, and Limon. This class will place an emphasis on Modern dance which is an earthy, grounded style of dance. It is often performed to music that does not have lyrics. Modern 1 consists of a warm-up, conditioning, improvisation, progressions of movement across the floor, and a combination exploring concepts such as release, roll downs, contractions, floor work, and more!  This class is athletic, free flowing, challenging, and fun!


Musical Theater 1 is a dance class that places an emphasis on storytelling through movement. This class begins with a jazz-based warm up and beginner across the floor to provide the students with a beginner jazz based vocabulary and moves into acting exercises and activities to develop the tools to effectively storytell through the body and performance. A culminating combination will be taught at the end of class that includes technique learned while telling a story with movement. Music will be used from both classic and contemporary musicals. This is a wonderful class for students looking to learn how to perform in musicals or just to have a ton of fun!


Tap 1 introduces dancers to the basics of Tap Dance. Dancers will learn basic tap skills and terminology and will place an emphasis on musicality and weight shift. Fundamentals such as balance and coordination will be taught as well in this fun class for all dancers!


Acro 1 is a class designated for dancers who are interested in developing skills and tricks in acrobatic arts. This class will place an emphasis on proper technique through stretching and strengthening exercises that will provide the dancers with tools to successfully learn acrobatic moves that are dance specific. This class will continue to build on tricks such as forward rolls, backward rolls, bridges, handstands, cartwheels, and other dance specific acrobatic tricks as well as learn more advanced dance-specific acrobatics. This class will provide dancers with tools to seamlessly transition these tricks with dance technique. All Acro classes are taught by a certified instructor through the Acrobatic Arts teaching program.


level 2

Level 2 classes are beginner/intermediate level classes that are suggested for dancers ages 10-12 years old or dancers that have at least 2-3 years of dance experience. These classes build upon the knowledge and skills gained in previous levels. Level 2 classes build on more beginner/intermediate techniques in each style while building confidence and community in dance.

ballet 2

Students will continue to develop proper alignment of the body necessary for classical ballet as they are introduced to a variety of steps including more difficult jumps, turns and progressions. Focus will be paid to stretching and strengthening the students’ bodies as well as proper alignment and technique in order to prepare them to execute ballet technique effectively and correctly. Complexity of combinations will be increased.

contemporary 2

Contemporary 2  builds on contemporary technique and provides space to allow dancers to discover their personal movement quality while developing contemporary technique and proper alignment. This class introduces more improvisation and floor work as well as more challenging progressions and combinations. An emphasis will be placed on transitions and musicality while developing the qualities to emote through movement and telling a story through dance.


As students become more confident in their abilities, this class will challenge them to pick up choreography at a faster pace. Styles include popping, locking, and breaking. Students are encouraged to discover their individuality through movement and discover their voice and personality in their dancing. They will continue to build a foundation of steps and movements as well as continue to learn the history and culture of Hip Hop dance. Floor work and footwork will become more complex. Hip Hop 2 is for the dancer who wants to be more challenged through faster and more complex combinations.


Jazz 2 is a high energy class that will build on the concepts and technique of jazz dance through class work that includes a warm up with an emphasis on stretching, strengthening, and isolations. This class will also include a focus on rhythm and coordination as students continue to develop jazz dance vocabulary including more advanced turns, jumps, and progressions across the floor. A focus on more challenging technique will be introduced through both expanded across the floor exercises and combinations at the end of each class which will be taught to develop style, musicality, self expression.


Acro 2 is a class designated for dancers who are interested in building upon skills and tricks in acrobatic arts. This class will place an emphasis on proper technique through stretching and strengthening exercises that will provide the dancers with tools to successfully learn acrobatic moves that are dance specific. This class will continue to build on tricks such as forward rolls, backward rolls, bridges, handstands, cartwheels, and other dance specific acrobatic tricks as well as learn more advanced dance-specific acrobatics such as aerials, front walkovers, back walkovers, and more. This class will provide dancers with tools to seamlessly transition these tricks with dance technique such as jumps and turns and will place an emphasis on making these tricks a part of their choreography.  All acro classes are taught by a certified instructor through the Acrobatic Arts teaching program. *Dancers must be approved to take Acro 2. Please contact the studio to learn more.


Modern 2 introduces various styles of Modern Dance but will focus primarily on Horton based Modern dance. It is often performed to music that does not have lyrics. Modern 2 is comprised of a set warm-up, conditioning, improvisation, progressions of movement across the floor, and a combination exploring concepts such as release, roll downs, flat backs, laterals, contractions, floor work, and more! Dancers will learn more about the history of American Modern Dance. This class is athletic, free flowing, challenging, and fun!


level 3

Level 3 classes are suggested for dancers ages 12+ or dancers who have at least 4 years of dance experience and are at an intermediate to advanced level. While previous dance experience is necessary, it is not required in the style in which the dancer is taking class. This is a fast moving class that will be building on more advanced concepts and introduce more advanced skills throughout class. Please note that these classes are by placement only. Please contact the studio for more information.

ballet 3

Students will continue to develop proper alignment of the body necessary for classical ballet as they are introduced to a variety of steps including more difficult jumps and turns. Dancers will build on the Ballet foundation and will continue to explore more challenging concepts. Complexity of combinations will be increased through more challenging and longer combinations challenging the dancers Ballet technique. Dancers must be approved to take this class. Please contact the studio for more information.

contemporary 3

Contemporary 3 builds on advanced contemporary technique and provides space to allow dancers to discover their personal movement quality while developing contemporary technique and proper alignment. This class introduces more improvisation and floor work as well as more challenging and longer progressions and combinations to challenge the dancers. An emphasis will be placed on transitions and musicality while developing the qualities to emote through movement and telling a story through dance.


In this advanced Jazz class, dancers will continue to dive deeper into the jazz dance vocabulary adding more complex turns, jumps, and a focus on progressions, transitions, and individual style. Stretching and strengthening exercises will become more challenging while creating a well rounded Jazz dancer who can execute Jazz choreography.


As students become more confident in their abilities, this class will challenge them to pick up choreography at a faster pace introducing faster and more complex moves and grooves. Styles include popping, locking, and breaking. Students are encouraged to discover their individuality through movement and discover their voice and personality in their dancing. They will continue to build a repertoire of steps and movements as well as continue to learn the history and culture of Hip-Hop dance. Floor work and footwork will become more complex. Hip-Hop 3 is for the dancer who wants to be more challenged through faster and more complex combinations and is a fun, athletic, and high energy class!

level 4

Level 4 classes are suggested for dancers ages 12+ or dancers who have at least 4 years of dance experience and are at an intermediate to advanced level. While previous dance experience is necessary, it is not required in the style in which the dancer is taking class. This is a fast moving class that will be building on more advanced concepts and introduce more advanced skills throughout class. Please note that these classes are by placement only. Please contact the studio for more information.


ballet 3/4

Ballet 3/4 is an advanced level Ballet class where dancers will continue to develop proper alignment of the body necessary for classical ballet as they are introduced to a variety of steps including more difficult jumps and turns. Dancers will build on the Ballet foundation and will continue to explore more challenging concepts. Complexity of combinations will be increased through more challenging and longer combinations challenging the dancers Ballet technique. Dancers must be approved to take this class. Please contact the studio for more information.

Level 3/4 classes are are suggested for dancers ages 12+ or dancers who have at least 4 years of dance experience and are at an advanced level. Previous dance experience is required in the style in which the class is and Level 3/4 classes are by placement only. This is a fast moving class that will be building on more advanced concepts and introduce more advanced skills throughout class.

contemporary 4

Contemporary 4 works on advanced contemporary technique and provides space to allow dancers to discover their personal movement quality and artistry while developing contemporary technique and proper alignment. This class involves more improvisation and floor work as well as more challenging and longer progressions and combinations to challenge the dancers. An emphasis will be placed on transitions and musicality while developing the qualities to emote through movement and telling a story through dance.

Level 4 classes are our most advanced classes and are suggested for dancers ages 12+ or dancers who have at least 4 years of dance experience and are at an advanced level. Previous dance experience is required in the style in which the class is and Level 4 classes are by placement only. This is a fast moving class that will be building on more advanced concepts and introduce more advanced skills throughout class. Please contact the studio for more information!

jazz 4

In this advanced Jazz class, dancers will continue to dive deeper into the jazz dance vocabulary adding more complex turns, jumps, and a focus on progressions, transitions, and individual style. Stretching and strengthening exercises will become more challenging while creating a well rounded Jazz dancer who can execute Jazz choreography.

Level 4 classes are our most advanced classes and are suggested for dancers ages 12+ or dancers who have at least 4 years of dance experience and are at an advanced level. Previous dance experience is required in the style in which the class is and Level 4 classes are by placement only. This is a fast moving class that will be building on more advanced concepts and introduce more advanced skills throughout class. Please contact the studio for more information!

teen beginner (new)

Teen Beginner classes are for dancers 13+ who are new to dance and would like to start to dance at a beginner level. 


teen beginner musical theater

Teen Beginner Musical Theater Jazz is a class designed for dancers ages 13+ who are looking for a fun class while working on their technique in Musical Theater Jazz. This is a Jazz technique based class that works to use the technique to tell a story through movement. This class will be set to popular Musical Theater music and is perfect for the dancer who is looking to brush up on their dancing for a school play or just wants to learn a new skill in a fun and supportive environment!

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